TransRussia|SkladTech 2023: services and products of visitor interest

What services and equipment are visitors most interested in at TransRussia exhibition and special exhibition for warehouse equipment SkladTech? Let us have a look at the event in 2023 as an example.
In 2023, the number of visitors hit all records. 27,010 specialists came to the show to get acquainted with the exhibitors’ equipment and services – this is 1.5 times more than in 2022.
Sea, road and air transportation, IT solutions, logistics for e-com, warehouse equipment, – everything needed for warehouse and transport logistics was presented on one site. Some of the services and equipment groups were in high demand.

TransRussia 2023: hype around freight forwarding services
The most demanded section of the exhibition was “Forwarding services / multimodal transportation”. In 2023, the section dedicated to freight forwarding and integrated logistics solutions was mentioned among the interests of 15,565 specialists.
Visitors of TransRussia 2023 showed no less interest in railway transportation. 14,093 people decided to get acquainted with the services of companies and operators of freight railway transportation. Road and sea transport attracted the attention of 13,002 and 11,336 specialists, respectively.
The top five was closed by “Container transportation” – 10,965 people were going to visit the stands of companies providing these services. The remaining sections were viewed by 2.5 to 7.5 thousand guests.
SkladTech 2023: warehousing and storage are a priority
SkladTech is a special exposition for warehouse equipment and technologies, where companies demonstrate warehouse equipment, storage systems, warehouse automation equipment, etc. In 2023, SkladTech was held for the second time and on a large scale - the exposition was visited by 18,201 specialists.
Warehousing and storage services were the most demanded at the show. 5,100 visitors showed interest in them. The stands of companies presenting warehouse equipment and shelving systems were visited by 4,273 professionals. The top three were IT solutions for warehouse logistics – 3,501 visitors were interested in digital products. The three remaining sections gathered from 2.5 to 3 thousand representatives of the interested audience.